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Game prototype

I have composed a small prototype of a “hide in the shadows from the evil bots” game. This was not the original plan, but it seemed fun so I went with it.

This prototype only consists of 7 small levels (once you completed the last you will spawn on the first again). It has no fancy stuff, just some basic game logic and some sounds and some scary bots.

Use ARROWS, press ‘R’ to restart the current level you are on! Be quiet. Stay in the darkness.

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It would be interesting the hear what you think? Could this eventually be a fun game?


    A fun prototype; interesting design use of sound with your shadow arc experiment. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks tronster! Will throw some more levels in during the weekend.

    Very nice. I’d totally change the controls though, to something more resembling human movement (instant acceleration, instant stopping). Plus some other things that I noticed immediately:
    – Almost always enemies start all facing the same direction; it could be randomized
    – They all seem to rotate in the same pace and in the same direction; could be randomized
    – They change their rotation all at the same moment; could be randomized.

    I think these would be the primary problems I have with it – other than that, plays nice 🙂

    • Good points! I will fix the randomization stuff and try changing the controls without making it to easy.