Game Prototype 2
I’ve redone some of the previous levels and added a few new. I also added a new pickup that will reveal itself on the last level (12), if anyone can get there. I think some levels are pretty hard, but I won’t spend too much time on tweaking since this is a prototype.
– Random directions
– Random turn speeds
– Minor control tweak
– More levels
– A new pickup (pebbles)
Use the MOUSE for the last pickup, use ARROWS to control the bot, press ‘R’ to restart a level.
What I probably should fix:
– Bots must be able to chase player off the path grap (now the just look crazy)
– Fix different hearing distances
– Make the investigate goal less “dumb” (now everyone just runs the shortest path to the sound source)
– Perhaps add some memory to the bots (as soon as player is out of sight the just forget him)
Fucking awesome!
I love to confuse the little flashlight-carrying bastards!
Well done, disciple!
Thanks 🙂