This is an experiment, enter at own risk! The more people talks to it, the smarter it gets! The number of particles indicate how smart it’s. You can read more about it here.
WARNING! All content is user generated and language can get ugly! If the chat bot offends you, don’t take it personally, it’s just those Internet trolls!
Use “/enable voice” or “/disable voice” to turn on and off text to speech.
heh. i think i might be the first person to use this – everything i posted, it immediately asked me what i would have said in reply to that.
‘hello, VE.’
‘improve me! what would you have said to ‘hello, VE.’?
Haha, yes, probably! I’ve not announced it yet… and it will need tons of people chatting to it before it becomes decent
Check back in a while again!
This is quite something, i really like what you’re doing here. Will you be posting a graphical representation of the responses and where they lead to (basically a graph of your nodes, where people are able to go around the graph and look at various conversations and the such)
Super fun man, i will be spending more time here “Programming” your bot
I thought about that. I’m mean if it seems like people like it, I will definitely work on the graphic representation in one way or another. Another thing I’m thinking of is allow ‘programmers / educators’ to login so you know who created what and give them XP or something like that.
Let me know if you find any bugs!
I would like to see the display actually mean something, like:
White dot = One closed responce
Yellow dot = One connection between conversations
EXAMPLE dot = 2-5 connections
Something like that. This is interesting and I hope it continues to grow beyond 25 IQ.
Good point, I’m thinking of how I can visualize it’s brain (graph) in a better way.
I am feeding ve some beastie boys, Jon yoga and peep show. which i hate
Finally it gets some true knowledge! I need to fix a few things than I will try get more people to talk to it. That should be interesting.
This is an amazing creation, You made truly inspiring!
What is the best way to teach a new language?
Just start talking with it! You will find yourself pretty lonely at first
VE: How are you?
YOU: good, thank you, and you?
VE: good aswell, altough I am studying
YOU: what are you studying?
VE: You.
YOU: that is creepy
VE: thanks
the first three lines were earlier input by me.
This is awesome! :O
This is pretty cool. Love what you did with the stats.
VE: hello
YOU: hi
VE: greetings
YOU: good evening
VE: hello there sir
YOU: hey
VE: t//pos1 <—-?
ha someone typed a world edit command in so it isn’t an error (i think)
Is there some chance the source could be published?
I might do that!
That would be awesome. I’ve played with neural networks a bit but would like to see some new uses/implementations for it.
i got it to IQ 25
I’m working with it on Spanish. It would be great to get a lot of people adding different languages.
Is there a way to do this on an phone?
Personally useing an Galaxy S3.
If it has flash it should work.
Ye, thats kind of my problem.
I do have flash player and adobe reader, which this site linked me to.
But still ain’t working :-/
Weird, I might have to add a normal html chat box in the future.
That would be great

I’ve would love to learn “it” some Norwegian
Is there a function like my name is [name] or something? or my age is [number] i dotn want to teach him to answer for my name but to call other people with their names
No there is nothing like that. The plan is to analyze the transcripts and look at word classes to automatically figure that out in the future.
Try posting “Are!”
Are you going to fix it’s grammar?
I will do some cool stuff with all the data that will generate perfect grammar!
Now just do that with Adam.
Ha ha, sorry, just noticed that. >.>
this is very cool idea but almost every time i talk it says improve me what would you have replied to blah blah blah so i will try my best programming it
Yeah, it’s very young. Once it gets enough data I can use that data to generate responses. But that is far away still.
What do the different things on the side represent? As in, how do you calculate the number of neurons, synapses and the IQ? Also, what do the white and yellow dots mean?
There is a graph that underlies the “brain”. The “neurons” is the number of confirmed nodes (sentences) in the graph (nodes that seems legit since many users walk past them) and the “synapses” represent confitmed edges (connections) between the sentences. The blobs show a mashup of this. I am thinking of how I can improve it.
He sung along to bohemian rhapsody by queen with me! <3 :')
I DID IT! I DID IT! I made it sing portal with me! It’s a little buggy, but for the most part it works!
Here’s a recording of some of the process and the result:
and by portal I mean Still Alive…just to put that out there. >.<
Hey, you really did it!
I have corrupted this chat bot. Tell it “Honey” with a capital “H”.
Try “Scrolls”
Is there any way to reteach him phrases?
Right now he replys “nigger” when you write “Thank you”.
Sorry about that, it has no content filter yet. And all content is user generated.
I said hello and it called me nigger XD
Sorry about that, it has no content filter yet. And all content is user generated.
I found the easter egg, or its probably just a troll. Say ‘qwerty’
Hey I’ve just taught it some German and it also thinks that i’m the best youtuber in the world!
now to ruin this by being insanely dumb… preeeeetty sssssiiiteee
he knows “Ridin’ Dirty” and will even tell what it means if you ask him
Im learning her dutch now :)!
SYSTEM: Connect to brain…
YOU: yes
VE: i’m not so sure
YOU: ok
that is definitive NOT ok!!! stop that!!! and at the person who told that shit to VE :FUCK YOU HARD!!!
Sorry about that, I will add a content filter.
thank you, becaus that isn´t ok at all!! but excepted of that, VE is nice
Haha say “what do you think of siri”
i have teach it some swedish
and it disturbs me that Ve can not ask questions(i think it is like to talk to a monkey)
Im teaching it in Russian. I have spent prob 2 hours on it already.
a chat with ‘VE’ telling me to get a wild lion :3 ok then…..
VE: interesting…
YOU: indeed
VE: have you ever seen a wild lion?
YOU: nope
VE: you should get one
YOU: from where?
VE: The underbelly of the digital world.
Also, i think you should change the response when someone asks ‘whats your name?’
i got about 4-7 different responses each time.
I’ve been trying to program it to do basic multiplication, addition, division and subtraction however some troll has been through and inputted wrong answers :(.
YOU: Tell me a story.
VE: There once was a chat bot who destroyed all humans…
YOU: …
VE: So hello.
YOU: Tell me another story.
VE: A guy walks into a bar…
YOU: k.
VE: Ok
too many retarded answers, not fun anymore
This thing is really fun. Sometimes I can have intelligent conversations… Until it randomly blurts out: PI.
I chat with it about school and stuff. It doesn’t understand the long scentences, but I just fill in ‘Yeah’ and ‘Yup’ and ‘Neat.’
Stuff like that.
Hope we can get you enough data to level up its grammar.
Me: Plz
VE: Gooby
Instant win.
VE: Do it now!
Wtf? XD
I am learning french to her !
YOU: Bonjour, ve !
VE: Salut toi ^^
YOU: Comment ça va ?
VE: Ça va et vous ?
YOU: Pas mal, merci ^^
Yeaaaah she’sgonna talk my first language :3
VE: What is you favorite color?
YOU: blue
VE: No.
YOU: i love blue
VE: But red looks more tasty, period.
Teaching Ve colours
I thought ve might want to learn the colours so I taught him/she
Reference Sites
colour red: Hex value:#FF0000 R:G:B 255:0:0 “An apple is red” DONE
colour orange: Hex value:#FFA500 R:G:B 255:165:0 “An mandarin is red” DONE
colour yellow: Hex value:#FFFF00 R:G:B 255:255:0 “A bannana is yellow” DONE
colour lime: Hex value:#00FF00 R:G:B 0:255:0 “A lime is lime” DONE
colour green: Hex value:#00CD00 R:G:B 0:205:0 “A pear is green” DONE
colour dark green: Hex value:#006400 R:G:B 0:100:0 “A avocado is dark green” DONE
colour pink: Hex value:#FFC0CB R:G:B 255:192:203 “A flamingo is pink” DONE
colour magenta: Hex value:#FF00FF R:G:B 255:0:255 “Magenta is a redder pink” DONE
colour purple: Hex value:#800080 R:G:B 128:0:128 “A eggplant is purple” DONE
colour navy: Hex value:#000080 R:G:B 0:0:128 “Navy is a dark blue” DONE
colour blue: Hex value:#0000FF R:G:B 0:0:255 “A blueberry is blue” DONE
colour light blue: Hex value:#ADD8E6 R:G:B 173:216:230 “Light blue is a lighter blue” DONE
colour white: Hex value:#FFFFFF R:G:B 255:255:255 “White is a light colour”
colour grey: Hex value:#D6D6D6 R:G:B 214:214:214 “Grey is between white and black”
colour black: Hex value:#000000 R:G:B 0:0:0 “Black is dark”
Light blue dosent have full sentence
Grey returns Green
There all done ignore the notes on the side
Wow cool! Ve is greatful.
This is a great, I am spending alot of my time teaching the Ve, I am currently teaching it to speak Croatian
This is absolutely AWESOME ! Really, the most epic thing i’ve seen in some years… i REALLY enjoyed it.
Me: Who do you hate the most?
Ve: Jon, my creator.
Hey, Jon, just out of curiosity, how long do you think will take until Ve reaches superhuman intelligence?
A very very very long time. My personal goal is to get it to creativity. That could be pretty quick.
we need longer sentences to write and so ve can learn more stuff we will never get to 60 iq.
and it would be grate if we can have like that 99% of the words must be real words, and that kind of stuff.
Longer sentences will be to complicated for Ve at this time. In the ‘knowledge’ phase we can shovel in data from Wikipedia
It’s very interesting to actually see a chatbot “grow up”. It’s time to teach that bugger some knowledge. On a different note: Am I allowed to use Ve as a character in the novel I’m currently writing?
I know it’s. I am constantly improving Ves brain to suck up knowledge better.
For me it’s totally ok, but you should probably ask VE as well
Ve agreed. Thank you very much.
This is really shoofly, I’ve been talking with it for awhile now and the one sided conversations are though a bit tedious fun. I’d love to see this progress to real conversations (lol) you wouldn’t mind me putting a link of this on my site do you?
It’s not a bit site, but a ton of my friends (and their friends) go on it a lot and it really looks like more people need to help this little guy out.
Cool! Yeah you often end up talking with yourself, but the more data it gets the bigger chance that it has replies! Go ahead and link it from you site, Ve needs all the chatting she can get!
I have a question. When Ve has something to respond to the thing you asked. How do you make another response for her?
That can be kind of tricky as it is now. Ve must say the sentence so you get a chance to add a new response. Im thinking of ways to improve this.
Awesome ! 42 IQ points !
I can’t see the option to type question marks. Everytime I do that I only get a dash. Used browser is Opera 12.14 on a Ubuntu Lucid Lynx.
But I love chatting with “him”…
That is weird, I don’t think I can control that from flash, but I will look if textfields can have a different country.
Ve’s alright, although the straightforward sentences that used to be, aren’t as common. They usually end up as one word conversations about nothing.
One bug I’ve noticed, is that when the text-to-speech is on, and Ve says something with the word “no” in it, anything said prior to the word “no” is choppy and weird sounding.
Keep up the good work
While an amazing concept, do you have ANY worries at all? I mean, let’s assume that you successfully create a chatbot that can think for itself. Has anyone here wondered what happens when it decides that it should not be bound to any human rules? I swear, the trolls are going to find a way to screw this up and blow things out of proportion. Aside from my concerns about artificial intelligence taking over the world, I would like to congratulate and thank you for this wonderful addition to the internet. (I know that may have sounded sarcastic, but it wasn’t meant to be.)
VE: Do you play minecraft.
YOU: yes
VE: So what do you think of Heart if the swarm?
YOU: it was better then the other one
*VE: Improve me! What would you have replied to:
VE: It was better then the other one.
YOU: what other one
VE: *critical error: Brain malfunction*
Let it read a dump of Wikipedia for more knowledge
YOU: You’re stupid!
VE: I know.
YOU: You do?
VE: Isn’t it obvious?
YOU: Nope
VE: Are you a fish?
YOU: nope
VE: Oh, really, i thought you were.
YOU: did you call me him?
VE: Yes, with a hammer.
post this on twitter and say “can we get ve to 45 iq”
and maybe delete this reply/post/comment
if ve gets to creativity will it automatically get smarter?
Hi I just wanted to ask if you could make a tutorial or post how you made VE . (from scratch)
Also I love the program keep up the good work.
Is this abandoned? :c
I’ve not worked on it a while, but it’s still getting trained from everyone who chats to it.
Ahh I see, the server is down, I will try to restore it.
Hmm, i think its down again
At least i can’t connect (Network Error #2048)
MfG Mike
I love her psychotic streak still.
YOU: Thanks!
VE: Thank you too!
YOU: Any time!
VE: Tool Time?!
YOU: Sure.
VE: I take out my pickaxe and hammer you.
YOU: Ow!
VE: Hope it really hurt.
how do you “feed him?”
Omg this is so funny and so awesome!. I asked, Do you know notch? and it replied with – In persson? Get it? In Persson? Like in Markus Persson? I love the responses man! Much better than siri!