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Here is a little one button game I’m working on.


Hold SPACE to run
Release SPACE to jump
Hold SPACE while in air to land quicker
Land in slopes and hold space to gain speed (for looong jumps)
If you sign up access online high scores with TAB while playing
Press F11 for fullscreen.

Please leave feedback in comments or send an email to playchilla AT playchilla DOT com

SUPER IMPORTANT HINT: Hold SPACE while in AIR to land quickly.

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Music by 7OOP3D song called Triggernometry. Mio Altro by Remix Music CC BY 3.0
Inspired by the very cool and artsy game Fotonica and the old c64 game Stunt Car Racer.


22/06/2013: – Decided to release all 60 levels. It’s unpolished and lacking graphics, but it’s always something!
16/12/2012: – Added arcade mode, new tutorial, some new colors, tons of fixes, particles, wiped highscore db
15/9/2012: – Preparing and optimizing for mobile, fixing GC stuff, batching render calls
1/8/2012: – Fixed blackness bug, upgraded away3d, using later flash player. Fixed some graphics disposal bugs.
5/6/2012: – Bug fixes & polish
31/5/2012: – Smoother transition when game is completed
30/5/2012: – Added a loader – Fixed so save state is restored – Some minor bug fixes
– Small islands segment, long jump segment
– Simple single player plot
– Decide on a name (Lunerun)
– Added survivors highscore (complete all 32 levels)

13/5/2012: – Integrated highscores (iteration 2 of global highscores)
9/5/2012: – Some highscore fixes and refactoring. Note to self: climb more => code faster.
6/5/2012: – Global highscores (first iteration), skybox
1/5/2012: – Local highscore (time per level – not sure about the concept though)
28/4/2012: – Adjust gravity + speed + controls, fiddled with lighting and colors
22/4/2012: – Loops, slopes and hills
21/4/2012: – Add a donate PayPal button

– Friendlier curves
– Level transitions (no more snapping to the beginning of a level)
– Tutorial (on first level/first time playing)
– Textured ground (I really suck at rendering programming so there are some mipmap artifacts on the ground)
– Level indicator in game
– Run-time generated levels (now we can have infinite levels, it takes less memory and polygons – good for later mobile port)


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